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We can help you or someone you care about connect with available services and supports

If you are interested in exploring DSO services, please contact Intake and Eligibility at 1-877-376-4674 x 340

What happens when you call?

We will provide you with information about applying for adult developmental services. If you are interested in applying for adult developmental services, you or the person you care about will need to be confirmed eligible by the DSO. This means that you or the person you care about must:

  1. have a confirmed developmental disability (the person must meet cognitive and adaptive criteria),
  2. live in Ontario, and
  3. must be at least 16 years of age.

If the DSO confirms that you are eligible for adult developmental services, then the DSO will arrange for the application appointments. The application appointments occur over 2 meetings and can take about 2 hours each. Once the application is completed, then the DSO can make service recommendations to you and your support network about services that are available in your community. Referrals to adult developmental services and supports can be made for people aged 18+ years. There are waiting lists for some services and supports.

To determine if you or the person you care about are eligible for adult developmental services, the DSO needs one of each of the following documents:

  1. Psychological assessment (most recent)
  2. Proof of Ontario Residency, for example:
    • your health card
    • lease or rental agreement
    • statement of direct deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
    • bank account statements with your address on them
    • driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification (ID)
  3. Proof of Age, for example:
    • birth or baptismal certificate
    • passport
    • driver’s license
    • age of majority

The DSO will carefully review the information you provide in order to confirm if you are eligible. If you are not eligible, you have the right to request a review of that decision.

You can use your confirmation letter from the DSO to help you apply for ODSP.

Once confirmed eligible (Application Process)

A DSO HNR Assessor will be assigned and will book 2 application meetings. Each meeting will be about 2-3 hours long. You will need to have at least 2 people who know you well (e.g., parent, guardian, teacher, etc.) with you at both of the meetings.

The 2 meetings will consist of completing the:

Application for Developmental Services and Supports (ADSS)

  • This helps us get to know the person, including their likes and goals. It also helps us understand any concerns and wishes of the primary caregivers.

Supports Intensity Scale (SIS -A 2nd edition)

  • This tool gathers detailed information about the level of supports the person needs in order to be successful and enjoy a positive quality of life.

At the end of the application meetings the Assessor provides an Assessor Summary Report (ASR) and next steps checklist.


With your consent, the Assessor will make referrals to Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Funded Services. Your Assessor can also suggest other community based services and supports that are not funded by MCCSS that may be helpful to you.

After the Application is completed

When and How to Connect with DSO HNR

  • A change in address
  • A change in needs (medical, behavioural, mental health, etc.)
  • A change in living arrangements (loss of caregiver, SIL changes etc.)
  • Hospitalization (e.g. admitted, discharged or in treatment)
  • Out of school
  • Transferring within or out of region
  • A change in contact info or special instructions change
  • Any other significant situation change

Call 1-877-376-4674 x212

Why is it important to connect with the DSO?

  • When a person and/or caregiver is going through an important life change, service needs can change too
  • By keeping DSO informed, we can help make sure that the person is connected to the available services and supports they need; and
  • The person is appropriately listed on the service registry or registries of their choice

Do you want to learn more about how DSO can help?

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140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888
