If you are interested in exploring DSO services, please contact Intake and Eligibility at 1-877-376-4674 x 340
We will provide you with information about applying for adult developmental services. If you are interested in applying for adult developmental services, you or the person you care about will need to be confirmed eligible by the DSO. This means that you or the person you care about must:
If the DSO confirms that you are eligible for adult developmental services, then the DSO will arrange for the application appointments. The application appointments occur over 2 meetings and can take about 2 hours each. Once the application is completed, then the DSO can make service recommendations to you and your support network about services that are available in your community. Referrals to adult developmental services and supports can be made for people aged 18+ years. There are waiting lists for some services and supports.
The DSO will carefully review the information you provide in order to confirm if you are eligible. If you are not eligible, you have the right to request a review of that decision.
You can use your confirmation letter from the DSO to help you apply for ODSP.
A DSO HNR Assessor will be assigned and will book 2 application meetings. Each meeting will be about 2-3 hours long. You will need to have at least 2 people who know you well (e.g., parent, guardian, teacher, etc.) with you at both of the meetings.
The 2 meetings will consist of completing the:
Application for Developmental Services and Supports (ADSS)
Supports Intensity Scale (SIS -A 2nd edition)
At the end of the application meetings the Assessor provides an Assessor Summary Report (ASR) and next steps checklist.
With your consent, the Assessor will make referrals to Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Funded Services. Your Assessor can also suggest other community based services and supports that are not funded by MCCSS that may be helpful to you.
When and How to Connect with DSO HNR
Call 1-877-376-4674 x212
Why is it important to connect with the DSO?
How to Reach Us:
140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888
Email: info@contacthamilton.ca